Tuesday 28 April 2009

10 Downing Street - E-petition

For all my new readers, popping in to have a look today... please go to the petition at Downing Street and sign:
We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to bring in new and specific legislation in England and Wales, to make it an offence to prevent a parent or caregiver feeding milk to a hungry child, in any location the child has a right to be. We also ask that this legislation makes it a specific offence to intimidate or harass the parent or caregiver feeding their child.
Babies and children need feeding regularly. Many mothers feel intimidated about feeding their child in public spaces, and are often subjected to bullying and harassment, and demands the feed be stopped and they leave the premises or public space in which the child is feeding. We ask that all children, and their caregivers, be given protection to allow them to be fed milk, regardless of type of milk, feeding method and location. Make it a specific offence to interfere or ask the feed be stopped. Babies and children deserve protection, as do their caregivers.

More details, and details of this year's Breastfeeding Picnics, to be found here.


Rob A said...

Well done Morgan, (for your appearance on the Today programme). You stood your ground well.

(Great to hear your voice too!)

C Beyers said...

I've just found your blog today through a link from the forums at Mothering.com, have signed the petition, and have posted it to my Facebook.

Thanks for an awesome blog, I've been reading it backwards and nodding along for the past few hours, sleeping baby in arms :)